Tuesday, August 2, 2011

to my unhappy friend E

Just saw my old friend's blog post....
i can feel it...it contain so much sadness, anger, and dissapoint...
I kinda know her situation a little bit...since she is my primary school best friend...
dunno why after i read her post of these few days my heart also feel ache and painful...i wish i was there to comfort her....i want to help her but...i still dunno wat's happening...i oni know tat right now she is very very sad...
if u saw tis, i want u to know, no matter u r with who, no matter wat's the race of u mate, i still wan to bless u two...ur happiness r the most important thing rite? I juz wan u to know sumwhere on tis earth, u still hav a friend to support u :) u r nt alone