Hai!!! I'm back! from the camp! so tired...but I still wanted to share with you! First day, we check in at 7.00 p.m. But...when I reach there, juz KMBS participants wait at there (the camp held by Ti-Ratana buddhist society((TRYBS)) and the TRYBS haven't there yet so "on time"...
When everybody is there, we start the ice-breaking activity. We introduce ourselves and then we form our group. My team member has: Shern(leader of the team),Vincent(him again),Pon(we became friend^^),Nyen(not quite like her) & me(me lar!).
Later, we was told to think our group name, group cheer and choose leader. Leader I said before, is Shern and we decided our group name is "The Special 5" and our group cheer is very... many move (-_- haiz... I don't wan to talk much lar, juz talk the interesting part...
The next day we hav an outing to the town park that besides the MBA court and we are the first group that reach the terminal point and the facilities call us to hide behind the car coz wanted to trick the other groups the haven't reach. When the other group reached, they tought they were the first place. When they cheering, we jumped out and they shocked. After all the group arrived, we were asked to do the group cheer again and again until the faci say stop.>.
Haiz...so sad that I not bringing camera or I can show you guys many interesting thing...Well, if you want to know more details about my camp, you can come and ask me^^
Last, I wan to thank the committee that organise this camp, I was very enjoy. I would also like to thank Pon, Z.Yin and her sis, thank for you all always treat me as friend and I'm not feel lonely, FRIENDZ 4EVER!! p.s.sorry I accidentally took your(Pon & Z.Yin's sis) cloth I will return in school or in the Science Trip.
First love
10 years ago
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