The time that I writing this is 3:40 p.m. later I'm going to attend a camp at 7:oo p.m. three days two night. In front of the Puteri Mart there the shop house, one of the shop house is a Buddhist society, the camp is held there.
Gosh! later a guy wan to come to my house and I quite not like it, who is the guy? He is Vincent, one of the choir group member I said before. Why he wan to come to my house? coz he also attend the camp but his parent wan to balik kampung then my dad let Vincent come to my house...I don't like people come to my house dunno why, especially GUYS
Another thing is... I wan to upload my drawing but I dunno wat to draw!!! somebody giv me some idea!!! Argh!!!!!
First love
10 years ago
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