Haiz...why people must think that when a girl talking to a boy then the two will become lover?
The misunderstand between me and W.Y become more and more serius and... SOME PEOPLE EVEN SAY THAT I MARRY WITH W.Y!!!! eeeeee...geramnya!
And, yesterday when the school is finished, I walk to the place that where I wait my aunty. Then I saw my neighbour that same car with me, Hao is standing at there but I'm not see Sam( a boy that same car with me) there yet but I saw his classroom is empty, I tought he suppose already at there before I arrive? So I asked Hao :"Where is Sam and W.S ( another boy same car with me and he is aunty's son)?". That time Hao is standing on the longkang and he looking down the longkang and said:"They are down there coz down there very fun. You wanna join them?"( don't misunderstand coz it is only joking. Then I said:"You go in there lar since you said downthere very fun!". Then I push Hao. Hao said:" I'm the VIP down there I can go there anytime^^" then I push him again...when we were playing Sam was coming then Hao said:" There your BF is coming!". Then I said to Sam:" Oi! Sam! Hao say that you are My BF!". Sam stared at Hao and said:" You think you very thin har?(coz Hao is a bit... erm... fat) speak nonsense!"then Sam going to push Hao into the longkang but luckily for Hao coz aunty has come. Har! next time won't be so easy! Be careful, Hao!
First love
10 years ago
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