Haiz... Mid Year Exam juz aroung the corner...
Oh! forget it, not talking about exam, Wenesday Lina suddenly SMS me ask me to bring some chinese newspaper. But... Lina bukan dunno how to read chinese meh? Why she wan chinese newspaper? She said she wan to c... Ok lor, my house got many mah, so I SMS back :"ok" . But at last...... I still forgot, then Lina said to me at class:" must bring 2morrow ah. If not I'll kill u." ok lor I record in my school diary...
When chinese period teacher distribute the<<学海>> to us then I borrow my friend. When nearly finished school my friend return the<<学海>> to me. Lina saw it and say:" U said u did'n bring?! "
Rupa-rupanya she wan the<<学海>>punya artisit poster (is at the back of the<<学海>>...
Another thing is... at science lab, when I talk to W.Y. Lina sudenly push me and I langgar the table then she ask me stand in front the table a bit than push me again! This times I langgar the sudut of the table!!! SO PAIN!!! I know she wan to push me to W.Y. !! aww... very pain you know!! T.T
First love
10 years ago
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