I went to learn how to swim(...ya...I don't know how to swim...So what? Don't laugh!)and... guess what I saw...swimming class have 6 people learn swimming(include me) but... all is BOY even the swimming class teacher is a GUY .Fu... luckily I didn't wear bikini...My swim suit is long sleeve one(I'm very conservative person even I'm 14 years old)and my ex-tuition teacher(she) guard us...
I know the three boys who learn swimming with me coz...two is my younger bro and another is my ex-tuition teacher's son(he is juz 6 year old and very naughty)another two boys is also same like me, new student one is,C.X, 16 years old and his younger bro,Ryan(dunno what his age)
When we were learning how to hold our breath in water,I talk with Ryan a while but I still dunno them...
After teacher went back, C.X & Ryan also went back, me and my bro playing water in the swimming pool until ex-teacher called us(she fetch us back home).
I'm happy that I learned how to flow in water and make new friend with the two new brothers( although haven't become friend but I'll try to make friend with them^^)
Friday, May 29, 2009
I went to learn how to swim
Posted by Lyeon at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
About guys that same car with me
Hu...long time no mid year exam lar! eeeeee...who create exam one...hate him/her, not this week week also got leh! till wednesday...T.T...die lar...
And...also about the case between me and W.Y. Now, all the guys same car with me know the humor between me and W.Y!!!AND W.S is tuition with W.Y and W.S said that he want to talk with W.Y something...and Sam always tell me go home with W.Y since I was his GF...I'm not his GF!!!! If I just talk with boy then become his GF then I also become GF of W.S, Sam and Hao lar since I always talking with them!!
And if you notice, all the people that same car with me go to school(except aunty that fetch us and her daughters who is study in morning class and primary school) are all guys!!Just four people sitting in aunty's car(except driver)and only me is a girl the other three are guys but I'm also not a girl that can bully easily...^.^coz they seldom bully me(except for the humor) I like all of them(like only not love, plz don't misunderstand), W.S, Sam, Hao...Hope we can be friends 4ever !!!
Sry I can't upload the image coz dad not let...T.T...You know, Sam is my classmate in primary school before.
Hao is my neighbour and he is in form 1, me and him always meet at playground with another friend name Lynn, also form 1 and we always talking and playing together until night...
W.S...I dunno him much coz I'm not same primary school with him and not same class but lately we started talk a little.
Well...thats all I wan to say, don 4get to vote down there
Posted by Lyeon at 7:01 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Law of Ueki (all the pic in there not mine,I copy from internet)
Posted by Lyeon at 1:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Misunderstand between me and other guys
Haiz...why people must think that when a girl talking to a boy then the two will become lover?
The misunderstand between me and W.Y become more and more serius and... SOME PEOPLE EVEN SAY THAT I MARRY WITH W.Y!!!! eeeeee...geramnya!
And, yesterday when the school is finished, I walk to the place that where I wait my aunty. Then I saw my neighbour that same car with me, Hao is standing at there but I'm not see Sam( a boy that same car with me) there yet but I saw his classroom is empty, I tought he suppose already at there before I arrive? So I asked Hao :"Where is Sam and W.S ( another boy same car with me and he is aunty's son)?". That time Hao is standing on the longkang and he looking down the longkang and said:"They are down there coz down there very fun. You wanna join them?"( don't misunderstand coz it is only joking. Then I said:"You go in there lar since you said downthere very fun!". Then I push Hao. Hao said:" I'm the VIP down there I can go there anytime^^" then I push him again...when we were playing Sam was coming then Hao said:" There your BF is coming!". Then I said to Sam:" Oi! Sam! Hao say that you are My BF!". Sam stared at Hao and said:" You think you very thin har?(coz Hao is a bit... erm... fat) speak nonsense!"then Sam going to push Hao into the longkang but luckily for Hao coz aunty has come. Har! next time won't be so easy! Be careful, Hao!
Posted by Lyeon at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Black-out...( got many grammar mistake)
Already three days I have not publishing new post...last last night and last last last night at the same time 11.00 p.m. our Puteri 10 Banyan area had a 4 hour blackout at last last last night and 1 hour blackout at last last night. Many people said that because of the hot weather, everyone had on too many air-con and air-con is a machine that consume many electricity so cause the black-out. Last night didn't happened the black-out, hmm...My neighbour that same car with me said that coz yesterday got raining, the weather become cool, no need on the air-con so don't have black-out lar...^^
Posted by Lyeon at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Yesterday Wesak Day Processing
Yesterday I said that I went to join the Wesak Day Procession and I have many good time at there... let me talk about what happen yesternight at Nalanda Buddhist Society.
6.00p.m. Uncle David want to tumpang my dad's car to go Nalanda and a Vincent's family follow my dad's car coz they dunno how to go to Nalanda.
6.30p.m. We reach Nalanda and the processing hvn't start yet so we eat dinner at there,tell you, the food at there all free and also delicious!! there got fried rice, mihun, red bean bread, sandwich, fresh taufufa, fresh soya bean... and many more tasty food!! yum,yum...
7.00p.m. the procession started to form the line, got people carried the Buddha statue and put it on the ground. Waiting the arrival of people...
7.45p.m.processing start, first, the monk give blessing to us. Then music start, the "Naga"came out following the music...We quickly lights up our candle and follow the group. That night is so windy, the fire always ignite and we have to light up again and again until someone give up to light the candle again. Vincent, W.Hong, Mike, Eugene, Jean, Z.Lynn...the gang walking, laughing and playing together, they playing with blowing one another's candle and when the one that candle blow out will have to lights up again, after lights up the candle Eugene will blow the candle again and again...What am I doing? Oh, I use my candle to light the others candle...
9.00p.m.We reach the Buddhist Society and there still got some free soya bean and taufufa, I took a bowl of taufufa and it still hot! yummy! Some people put the candles that haven't finished burning beside the longkang. My bro also joined the children to play the candle. The we went back tired. That's all...881^^
Posted by Lyeon at 12:39 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Happy Wesak Day !!
Today is Wesak Day, morning I go to Buddhist society for a Wesak Day celebration at 9.00a.m. until 1.00p.m. then we went home, dad say we'll go to Nalanda Buddhist Society to attain a Wesak Day processing represent our KMBS(Kinrara Metta Buddhist Society), OMG! I refuse to go coz processing very tired one leh!Jus walk around the town only mah! But...many KMBS Youth got go leh! I also one af the Youth Group member. erm... Haiz... OK, I go, I go...
Posted by Lyeon at 12:46 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Accident happen in school
Haiz... Mid Year Exam juz aroung the corner...
Oh! forget it, not talking about exam, Wenesday Lina suddenly SMS me ask me to bring some chinese newspaper. But... Lina bukan dunno how to read chinese meh? Why she wan chinese newspaper? She said she wan to c... Ok lor, my house got many mah, so I SMS back :"ok" . But at last...... I still forgot, then Lina said to me at class:" must bring 2morrow ah. If not I'll kill u." ok lor I record in my school diary...
When chinese period teacher distribute the<<学海>> to us then I borrow my friend. When nearly finished school my friend return the<<学海>> to me. Lina saw it and say:" U said u did'n bring?! "
Rupa-rupanya she wan the<<学海>>punya artisit poster (is at the back of the<<学海>>...
Another thing is... at science lab, when I talk to W.Y. Lina sudenly push me and I langgar the table then she ask me stand in front the table a bit than push me again! This times I langgar the sudut of the table!!! SO PAIN!!! I know she wan to push me to W.Y. !! aww... very pain you know!! T.T
Posted by Lyeon at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
About my school life ( a little bit only)

Posted by Lyeon at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Shounen Onmyouji
Who got watch Shoune Onmyouji ? This anime was very nice also. I recommended you to watch, nice background, cute ayakashi or youkai ( actually not cute at all), cool characters...
Every time I will give description when I talk about an anime, so here you go:
actually this anime is convert from novel and got many chapters but in anime only cover two chapters ( read from web) so I think novel is nice than anime although I never read the novel before...
Today at the school my friend told me that Shounen Onmyouji novel has publish a new book!!! Chinese version one!! In IOI Mall Popular Bookstor!! Aw... I wish I can go to Popular to buy the books!! Opps! father going to scold me!!! Got to go ! 881...Posted by Lyeon at 4:58 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Wolf Rain,the boring anime(Wolf Rain fan's dun kill me)
Erm...dunno wat to say about anime? Well, no much to talk...The anime I've been watch only sikit sikit jer lar like:Naruto, Naruto Shippudden, Death Note, Shounen Onmyouji, Kekaishi, Natsume Yuujinchou, Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou, One Piece, The Law of Ueki, Vampire Knight, La Corda D'oro ~Primo Passo~, Wolf Rain, Wagaya no Oinari-sama, Detective Conan, Yu Yu Hakusho, Fullmetal Alchemist, Cardcaptor Sakura, Honey and Clover, Kamichu!, Chobits, ......EH! Looks like the anime I've watch quiet many leh!
But even I have watch quite a number of anime...I also dunno wat to talk lar!! Some anime juz watch episode 1 only then I give up to continue like Death Note and Wolf Rain. Death Note I give up coz cannot find other episode already!!(from Youtube) but I got watch the movie. Wolf Rain is about a pack of wolves who survive from ... extinction Ah!!! I also dunno how to descript!! copy paste from web more easy, here you go:
This anime (Wolf Rain) is quite! is very boring you know, when I watched it I almost fell asleep......Although I like the wolf and the arts but the story is boring, dunno what they said about...(juz my opinion only ar...)
Posted by Lyeon at 6:17 AM 0 comments
This time not talk about anime
Hu... juz come back from qoir practise.letih(tired) lar...No matter how hard I try, teacher won't recognise me just because my voice wasn't loud enough! That not my fault mah! Teacher's piano key too high until I cannot reach. I cannot sing too high pitched but somatimes I suddenly can reach leh! sometimes cannot... weird?
Posted by Lyeon at 12:43 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
after finished watched Natsume Yuujinchou...
*sob...sob...*Natsume Yuujinchou and Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou I have watched finish...Why good anime got so little episode*crying...*Don't know why when I finish watch the last episode and showing the ending song I got a weird feeling, a sad feeling like I wanted to cry don't know why...
Anyway I'm watching a new anime now call:'Wagaya no Oinari-sama'我家有个狐仙大人is nice too but i not quite like it,don't ask me why, I like it but not very very like as I like 'Natsume Yuujinchou'
Give you some description about 'Wagaya no Oinari-sama'(also copy paste from web)
天狐空幻(以下簡稱空)是三槌家守護神。然而三槌家的末代祭司美夜子去世後已無嗣後,於是空奉三槌家前往保護美夜子的子高上兄弟。原文中的「稲荷さま」原先指的不是狐仙,而是狐仙、妖狐侍奉的神,因為狐狸是稻荷神的註冊商標,因此日本稱法力高強的狐仙為稻荷神,並在各地都有供奉。故事的「天狐空幻」,就是因為法力高強被奉為稻荷神的代表之一。 高上透擁有遺傳自三槌家的強大靈力,最後成為妖怪的下手對象。三槌家的長老(姥姥)預測到這件事情,便命高上兄弟的舅舅將兄弟倆召回。此外,為了驅除想接近三槌傳人的妖怪,將因為調皮搗蛋而被封印上百年的守護神─「天狐空幻」放出來,以此保護高上兄弟。因為三槌家一脈單傳,代代祭司只傳三槌家的女性,而高上兄弟的母親美夜子過世之後,三槌家正式宣告後繼無人。因此,空以「高上家的守護神」身分,跟著高上兄弟回到東京。而原本專門侍奉三槌家的守護女「蛟」,也因此成為了「高上家的守護女」。 然而,私人的守護神能否自在的使用五行法術,必須得到當地土地神的允許。而當地的土地神─「惠比壽」(出自日本的「七福神」),卻是個視財如命、心懷鬼胎,惡作劇之心不下天狐空幻的「便利商店店長」。而且還有許許多多的妖怪,都看上了高上兄弟是三槌家的傳人,紛紛想要接近…
Posted by Lyeon at 6:28 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
Favourite Anime


Posted by Lyeon at 9:23 PM 0 comments