Juz now Elaine invite me to her birthday dinner. I'm sooo happy!! Elaine oso brought her two friends along too so I get to know 2 of them and now I gt 2 more new friends!! xDxD We went to a Japanese Restaurant called KIKYOU ... The food there are very nice espeacially the sushiすし, sashimiさしみ, miso soupみそ * mouth become watery~* Oh, there is some funny thing happen...♩♪♫♬
☝1st, When Elaine's grandfather come and fetch me...one of Elaine's friend name Kamini was sitting infront and I cant c her face so I called her:" Hello! AUNTY!" and all the people in the car burst out laught and I was confused" SHE IS NT AUNTY! SHE IS MY FRIENDS! SAME AGE WIT US!" "OMG!!!!!I'M TERRIBLY SORRY!!!!!!SORRY SORRY SORRY..." tis is our dialog...♩♪♫♬
✌nxt funny things happen is...When we're inside the restaurant, Elaine ordered and plate of peas and when u eat it u suppose to juz squeeze out the peas and throw the skin away...but...I ate the whole pea include the skin +///+ ♩♪♫♬
Many fun and funny inccident happened when we're in the restaurant and it become our unforgetable memory~ ♩♪♫♬
Last, when we went into the car to go back home Elaine started opened the present tat I giv her and it was damn hard to open it coz too many tape stick to the box lol then one way we opened the present is I hold the wrapping on the other side and Elaine hold the box in the opposite and we pull like tug-of-war except the rope were replace by the present...lol♩♪♫♬
At last we finally opened the box and Elaine was surprized when she saw the dolphine deco in the box and she kept thank me and said tat she very like it! I'm glad to hear tat☺♩♪♫♬
☻Today friends tat went to Elaine's Birthday Dinner☺
♠Elaine Lim
First love
10 years ago
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