今天去学校拿PMR成绩, 拿到6个A 2个B。
原本已经做好心理准备, 不要哭的, 但是当我看到家人失望的脸, 眼泪就忍不住掉下了。
尤其是华文科, 因为那时我太紧张和压力,结果造成现在不好的成绩…
心揪着揪着的, 很难受…
不管怎样, 我还是想恭喜获得满意成绩的同学,
至于对自己成绩不满意的, 没关系, 已经尽力而为了, 别给自己太多压力...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Posted by Lyeon at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 19, 2010
2010 Youth Camp
Three days ago I joined the 2010 Buddhist Go Green Youth Camp at Eco Dusun and organise by KMBS and today is the day I come back!HOME SWEET HOME!! xD
Overall the camp is fun, althought I get some injuries but I didn't mind, haha
We have gone to jungle trekking, bamboo rafting, obstacle, etc.etc. and these all are my favourite activity in the camp.
When jungle trekking I got bitten by leeches but i dun feel any pain phew...
In this camp I learn abt go green, environmental friendly, reduce reuse recycle and many many more!
and also I made alots of new friends and Im very grateful for them to wilingly befriend with me!
Last, Im very enjoy it and very grateful to have such wonderful memory. C:
Posted by Lyeon at 3:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Kuala Gula
刚刚从 Kuala Gula 回来, 很好玩哩~ 我看到很多老鹰和白鹭
在海上狩猎, 晚上我看到在树上看到一些萤火虫, 很漂亮呢~我也看到很多螃蟹!但没得吃 =.=
我还看到活化石--鲎。之后我们参观了咸蛋工厂, 了解咸蛋制作过程。
Posted by Lyeon at 4:30 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 28, 2010
adopted a dog! xDxD
Hi there!! juz wan to tell u all tat I've adopted a dog few days ago!! xD
actually is a puppy~6 month old ^^ the reason I chose her is bcoz i think she is beautiful~(ok i knw im weird)
Few days ago my father knw tat Paw's Mission is going to be held at IOI mall so my father decided to brought me and my youngest brother along to check it out and my father want to have a guard dog to guard our house as there are many crime commited near our area there...(sorry for the poor english)
the puppy name is Manja, she ady named with tis name since she is at Paws so juz called her Manja~xDxD she is a smart and active dog, although sometime she is very naughty( bite our shoes...=.=) but i still like her :)
Posted by Lyeon at 4:18 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 15, 2010
一天,我闲来无聊就随手翻一下弟弟之前在学校订购买的《KK小超人: 地头虫》看到其中一个角色觉得很想画就画了下来 xp

《KK小超人: 地头虫》漫画和人物设计版权属KK黄庆荣所有, 本人只是在画 fan art
Posted by Lyeon at 4:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 12, 2010
结果... 就在第二天原本计划吃KFC时, 发现我的全身长了含有水分的豆豆... 也就是水痘…自然而然地, 全部的计划告吹了... 眼睁睁地看着我的美好幻想被戳破…唉...
Posted by Lyeon at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 5, 2010
超赞同的!! 我就是其中之一 xD
Posted by Lyeon at 2:36 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Genting School Trip
whew...Juz came back frm Genting trip ( school de) let me report things tat happened during these days when we're in Genting school trip...
lets talk abt the room tat we're in 1st...creepy. The teachers ask us to put the luggage in 1st World Hotel and we stay there and go to outdoor park played happily but after come back we have to take our luggage from hotel lobby walked around 15 minute 1km to Ria apartment...actually Celia, Celine and me share the room wit 2 teachers but after we saw how creepy the state of the room we decide to stay in our friends room...
Our group gt 9 ppl include me tat is:
Ann Qi, Wan Yi, Wai Yee, Celia, Celine...another 3 ppl 4rgt name liao sorry!
I nvr thought tat roller coaster will be so fun espeacially when u play wit ur friends! XDXD but time to limited so we cant play all the games T.T
........lazy to say liao so...bye xP
Posted by Lyeon at 2:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: o
Friday, October 22, 2010
♩♪♫♬Happy Unforgetful Memory happened in KIKYOU restaurant♥♡❤
Juz now Elaine invite me to her birthday dinner. I'm sooo happy!! Elaine oso brought her two friends along too so I get to know 2 of them and now I gt 2 more new friends!! xDxD We went to a Japanese Restaurant called KIKYOU ... The food there are very nice espeacially the sushiすし, sashimiさしみ, miso soupみそ * mouth become watery~* Oh, there is some funny thing happen...♩♪♫♬
☝1st, When Elaine's grandfather come and fetch me...one of Elaine's friend name Kamini was sitting infront and I cant c her face so I called her:" Hello! AUNTY!" and all the people in the car burst out laught and I was confused" SHE IS NT AUNTY! SHE IS MY FRIENDS! SAME AGE WIT US!" "OMG!!!!!I'M TERRIBLY SORRY!!!!!!SORRY SORRY SORRY..." tis is our dialog...♩♪♫♬
✌nxt funny things happen is...When we're inside the restaurant, Elaine ordered and plate of peas and when u eat it u suppose to juz squeeze out the peas and throw the skin away...but...I ate the whole pea include the skin +///+ ♩♪♫♬
Many fun and funny inccident happened when we're in the restaurant and it become our unforgetable memory~ ♩♪♫♬
Last, when we went into the car to go back home Elaine started opened the present tat I giv her and it was damn hard to open it coz too many tape stick to the box lol then one way we opened the present is I hold the wrapping on the other side and Elaine hold the box in the opposite and we pull like tug-of-war except the rope were replace by the present...lol♩♪♫♬
At last we finally opened the box and Elaine was surprized when she saw the dolphine deco in the box and she kept thank me and said tat she very like it! I'm glad to hear tat☺♩♪♫♬
☻Today friends tat went to Elaine's Birthday Dinner☺
♠Elaine Lim
Posted by Lyeon at 5:19 AM 0 comments
可能之前被“朋友” 伤害多了所以一被孤立就特别敏感…真的…每次被我的SMS烦的朋友都知道, 我对这种事很敏感, 上一秒心情很high下一秒心情很糟…我也不想的…对不起…minta maaf…I’m sorry…申し訳ありません…죄송합니다…
Posted by Lyeon at 1:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
今天我和朋友去看电影:《童眼3D》。自中学以来第一次看鬼戏所以还没去看电影只看 trailer 和 poster就已经怕得要命…
看到最后才发现没有想象中恐怖 =.=
原本还有叫Celia, Celine, Wai Yee, Wan Yi 和Angel Low 去的…
结果每个 last minute 跟我讲不能去…T.T
昨天好不容易得到允许可以带相机出去, 结果想拿出来用时竟然没有电!!! 几尴尬的!!! +///+''
Posted by Lyeon at 5:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 16, 2010
KAITO! xDxD (lol his head abit big...4rgiv me Kaito!)
Posted by Lyeon at 2:34 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 25, 2010
rest in peace
my grandmother...she...juz pass away...right after we left the hospital...
im so regret...why I dont stay there longer?why i dun watch her more for last time?
i remember...23/8/2010 around 4.00pm, my father and uncle brought grandma went to hospital...then they never come back the next day until I called father to know the condition of grandmother, he told me to get ready because her heartbeat will stop anytime...after I know tis, my eye started to become sore, because since young I ady live with her...althought I nt so close to her but i had used to her existance in the house.
24/8/2010, finally my mother brought us to visit grandmother, she seems painful, and hard to breath because her lungs had any seriously infected, her body was full of the tube for medical use and her hands, legs and face were swollen, me and the other cousins were holding her hands and called her slightly, she barely can opened her eye but soon closed again, looks like she have something to say but she can barely open her mouth and she try to get rid of the tube that stick in her body...once again my eyes become reddish ...
25/8/2010, father and the other uncle aunties had gone to hospital to visit grandma, at noon, mother brought us went to hospital and let father them came back to eat lunch...today grandma condition started became unstable, her rate of heartbeat and oxygen suddenly became very low then back to normal again, tis had ady happen 2 time today...at night, her condition was totally unstable but I still holds the hope tat grandma will be okay...
then we went back, when we were eating dinner, uncle tat be with grandma in the hospital called and told tat grandma had left us...
Posted by Lyeon at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 13, 2010
When holiday I started fall in love with vocaloid songs!!!
Posted by Lyeon at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 9, 2010
今天我很无聊, 所以我看了«Twilight Saga: Eclipse»
老实说, 从头到尾, 大部分的场景就是kiss来kiss去而已, 就算有战斗场景也是一下子罢了...
Posted by Lyeon at 5:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
刚刚得知一个沉重的消息,我学校的一位同学患上了肌肉患症, 已经是第四期了…
虽然这位同学不认识我, 我也不认识他, 不过我认得出他和我都在蒲种新明华小一起毕业!
原本我并不知道/忘了他的样子, 只是觉得名字很熟悉…
直到刚才在FB看到他的照片时, 我立刻呆住了! 还有想哭的冲动!
多么熟悉的脸啊! 为什么会是他??!!
虽然互不认识, 不过毕竟也曾在同一个校园度过几年, 还是和我同年的!!!
看到这里我立刻为他祈祷, 希望他快点好起来…
加油智凯! 别输给病魔!!
Posted by Lyeon at 4:44 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 30, 2010
今天,我得了伤风, 喉咙痛,咳嗽,头痛,多痰...
痛苦地学校回到家... 说一个字我的喉咙像被刀切...
Posted by Lyeon at 2:03 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
他也很厉害一下, 因为他看起来一点也不疲倦的样子 OoO~
哦! 还有, 我要谢谢QiQi和她的妈妈让我tumpang她的车去羽毛球场和回家◦谢谢! ^^
Wynn的朋友(那兄弟的哥哥) 陪我打了一下羽毛球,感觉上好像放水给我酱... 也要谢谢啦!
老实说...有点不满意捏~ 只打一下子羽毛球而已...o3o
Posted by Lyeon at 3:41 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
老师派考卷时, 我紧张到紧紧握住我朋友的手 (sorry ya Celia and Wan Yi^^”)
幸好, 这两个科目都拿 “A” (两科而已-^-)
还有, 今天pengawas来spotcheck手机, 结果没有收获, 他们还不甘心, 再检查n次, 结果还是一样... 看起来像很不爽的样子, 我朋友还听到有pengawas说: “I dunno why I can’t find it!” ,“IMPOSSIBBLE!” 当然啦! 事实就是我们班没有手机嘛!
放学时, Sam告诉其实是他班的一个人带手机被发现了所以有spotcheck =_=...
Posted by Lyeon at 1:59 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 21, 2010
原本1点到2点要在他家集合, 不过因为我要看医生,所以我迟到了 (生疮…T^T)
去到他家, 玩Carrom, 然后他Show我和QiQi 《Independence Day》和 《Predator》的电影片段。
5点多, Wynn 的爸爸带我们去IOI Mall请吃McDonald和蛋糕还有看电影。
之后...我懒得写下来…z_z 所以...再见! :P
Posted by Lyeon at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 19, 2010
第一次PMR Trial终于考完了!
好想念我的facebook~ o3o
在这12天发生了很多事, 不过为了遵守我的“禁止令”
只好忍痛割爱... 好玩的事没有写在Blog, 最后我也忘了什么好玩了...:P
Posted by Lyeon at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Hari Kantin
今天是我学校的Hari Kantin~
臭Edward, 跟我讲他有去,又没有去! 哼!
然后我遇到Sam, 看他一个人到处走, 所以我建议一起走, 很快他遇到了他的朋友, 所以我又一个人“流浪”… 过后遇到Wynn他们又一起走走走…
这就是我怎样过Hari Kantin, 哈哈
Actually still gt many things happen but I lazy to write out xP
Posted by Lyeon at 2:02 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 1, 2010
今天是我小弟的生日, 他请了他的许多朋友来, 我的爸爸妈妈要我来负责小孩子的游戏环节,
简直是我的恶梦! 那些小孩子是恶魔!
不听指令, 看到电脑就疯狂, 隔壁串仔带他的PSP来…
小孩子…可爱又可怕 T~T
Posted by Lyeon at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 31, 2010
特别是跟Elaine,我小学最要好的朋友 ^^
Anson aka S.J.W
Edward aka Teoh
我们在那里呆2个小时, 1个小时打羽毛球1个小时打篮球(乱打的)
第一多次和酱多朋友打篮球就酱开心, 也许是我的福气吧! :)
Posted by Lyeon at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 25, 2010
1st time group study wit friends! XD
yesterday went to celia house do group study
da girls tat went to group study
Celia's friend ( Z.J) oso my new friends ^^
we study maths n KH at there, its really works! We start the discussion at 8.00 a.m. until 12.00p.m. then we hear songs, telling jokes, reading manga, talked abt anime, and...etc.etc...
When I read the comedy manga tat I borrowed from celia «Break☆Cafe» I burst out laugh seriously!! tat manga was so so so funny and hilarious till I couldn't hold my laugh back anymore!! then Z.J n Celia cum and c wat was going on on me, I showed them the page tat make me laugh, they also laugh out loud together LOL
It was fun to study with ur friends! espeacially friends tat have common likings! xD
Posted by Lyeon at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 22, 2010
最近我觉得怪怪的, 总觉得会发生什么事, 非常不舒服...
看着我和他们的距离越来越远; 又和他们的距离越来越近
为什么这种考验永远都不会结束? 经过一关又一关, 还不够吗?
你的眼神不再包含爱和关怀, 我看到了一丝厌倦
我以为你会保护我直到最后, 可是, 我从你身上最依赖的安全感竟慢慢消失...
求求你不要败在这次考验, 我不能再承受了...
Posted by Lyeon at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 15, 2010
今天终于可以借到许友彬写的«青色的围墙»了!! XDXD 是Sam借我的! 有种愿望成真的感觉~
平时看他们每次欺负我, 其实也有对我蛮好时候◦ ^^
名不虚传, 非常有意思的故事,
是讲述一个当小说家的爸爸与他的女儿的故事, 说是故事可是感觉很真实, 像在写自己的故事, 原来许友彬的女儿也有参与这本小说的创作! 父女写关于父女的故事当然感觉真实啦!
故事讲述一对父女自从女儿的母亲去世后就和母亲的妹妹也就是女儿的阿姨住在一起◦ 小说中这对父女的关系不好, 经常误解对方的意思, 女儿因此很少跟她的爸爸说话﹑沟通, 连心事也不和爸爸说◦爸爸也不以为然, 认为是女儿任性﹑被宠坏了◦女儿和阿姨非常要好, 因为她尊重她,了解她◦
一天,小说家爸爸的书迷想要他帮她出版她写的小说, 是关于她和一个男孩的真实故事◦
后来因误会, 父女的关系闹僵了, 女儿离家出走了...
小说简介说到这里, 更多详情请亲自阅读«青色的围墙»
Posted by Lyeon at 8:20 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
浪漫? 爱情? 慢慢做梦吧!
女孩喜欢八卦,包括我自己在内◦ :P
尤其是关于爱情的, 最有兴趣了! :x
尤其是关于朋友的“爱情”故事, 更有兴趣 xP
不管是真的还是假的, 我就当在听爱情故事 xD
好浪漫呢~ ♥.♥ (幻想-ing)
Posted by Lyeon at 4:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 12, 2010
好奇怪哦... 和Edward(aka Teoh 啦! 觉得 叫这个名比较帅 xD) 一起时没有东西讲,
可是SMS 和MSN又可以讲不停...xD 看来他已经离开悲伤, 我很高兴, 看我的朋友开心
我也开心! ^^
Posted by Lyeon at 3:34 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 10, 2010
今天有果王(榴梿)吃啦! 哈哈!
黄肉干包, 甜中带苦, 好吃极了!^^
小外甥好可爱哟! 不过我不知道怎样和小宝宝相处所以我和他大眼瞪小眼也不知道要做什么…
唉~看来我还是不知道如何与人沟通, 就连Baby我也不会沟通…真是失败!
Posted by Lyeon at 11:13 PM 0 comments
今天我很忙, 还犯了很多错误…T.T
今天KMBS举办了双亲感恩夜, 我们 Siddhartha Class 负责当晚的节目,
因此我们必须在下午4:30到达早做好准备, 可是我迟到了…
我们要为客人服务但我不知道如何做加上紧张, 所以弄得一团糟!
后来我们表演跳舞, 但我无法跟上!!
总之, 今天我是非常压力和疲劳
啊!今天我的姑姑来我家过夜, 还有表姐, 表姐夫和可爱的小外甥! xDxD
Posted by Lyeon at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 9, 2010
今天又是我快乐的一天 XD 因为可以打羽毛球啦!
看起来最近我总是写打羽毛球而已 xP
今天有更多的人去: S.Qi, Kwaie, Jake, Wynn, Bryan 还有我啦!
今天我, Wynn, Bryan 走路到MBA去, 他们说很累, 但我不这么认为, 我还觉得怀念哩~ xD
不过只是跟S.Qi, Kwaie和Jake他们打一下子而已他们就回去了…
Christine他们来过后我就看他们打球, 我们也有玩双打, 我和Wynn对Christine 和S.Z, 很羡慕他们的球技呢… 四人之中我是最弱的呢…
后来Wynn对S.Z, 我觉得他们俩都旗鼓相当, 不过S.Z略胜一筹…
只是我个人的意见, 请不要生气噢!
Posted by Lyeon at 4:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 8, 2010
少年不识愁滋味, 为赋新词强说愁。
Posted by Lyeon at 12:30 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
我的心情从山峰掉到深谷... 好难受... 而且还是双重打击...
因为QiQi那天不能去, 如果她可以去的话就可以载我一起去...
没有人载我去,所以我不能去了... 超难过和失望...
羽毛球可以让我快乐但它也可以让我伤心, 尤其是希望落空...
第二个让我不开心的事情是... 九年了...仍然没有一个老师记得我的名字
不管我做了什么, 好事还是坏事, 没有老师会记得我...
到现在, 老师还是不记得我的名字, 即使我取得好成绩, 我的名字也不会在老师心中留下印象, 难道我真的这么可有可无吗?
不管我身边的朋友多么受老师欢迎, 对老师来说, 我只是一个配角, 不值得关注...
对不起,我的朋友, 今天我的闹脾气让你担心了…可是, 真的很难受
Posted by Lyeon at 12:52 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 5, 2010
今天是我的第一天参加学校的日语班. 嗯...你问我怎样啊? 我觉得普通咯...
教日语的老师竟然是马来人, 不过他教得还好啦!
第一天老师教我们问候语, 我已经知道了大部份的问候语, 像众所周知的ありがとうございます (Arigatogozaimasu), おはよう(Ohayo)
我相信大家都知道它是什么意思吧? 第一句是“谢谢”, 第二句是“早安”
不过我真正想学习的是如何写日文, 到现在为止我只知道怎么写“あ” 字而已.
不过老师没有教我们如何写就已经白板上写上了许多日文, 大家都看不懂,
字体又小, 看得懂的也看不到, =.=
Posted by Lyeon at 2:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 2, 2010
又打羽毛球 \(^o^)/
打羽毛球也是一种使我快乐的方法哦! 哈哈!
不过 Jake 很早就回家了…他带的大篮球也带回了, 剩下 Bryan 的小篮球 (很像给6岁小孩玩的 Size =.=)
打完羽毛球后我们去了篮球场, 但是,因为篮球太小了, 我们不知道怎样玩, …就拿手机乱拍照 xD 顺便做纪念 XDXD
Posted by Lyeon at 3:29 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 27, 2010
小~ 孩~ 子~
忽然觉得我的同车都好可爱! 哈哈…
今天在车上, W.S 和他姐姐抢keropok吃, 觉得几幼稚下, 呵呵… 他们还打了起来… 整辆车吵吵闹闹的, 想起来都觉得好笑, 可见得他们姐弟之间感情“真好” ~
没有东西写就写车上的经历咯~ 不是我“八” 啊~ =P
Posted by Lyeon at 11:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Interesting Dhamma Talk
Juz cum back from Dhamma Talk conduct by Ven. Sumedha...
Quite interesting talk, from muzic we can also learn something from it even though u think some songs is stupid, but it is reality...
In this talk I heard some nice song--"Love Me", "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman", "there you'll be" and "California Hotel".
To me I prefer "There you'll be" from this 4 songs...
I ady add "There you'll be" in my blog playlist, is the 3rd song, it is a nice song :)
I also learn that being a buddhist teenager we can follow the trend but not fell for it...I think I can understand it ;)
Posted by Lyeon at 4:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 24, 2010
宁可信其有, 不可信其无
今天老师派给我们华文考卷了, 感觉有点飘飘然...
老师说我的作文获得最高分, 然后还读出来, 被重视感觉...真好...
不过, 和Adrea的作文相比, 我还矮了一大截, 她的作文把我感动了, 我觉得她应该得到比我更高的分数... 觉得有点惭愧呢...
发生了一些小插曲, 国语节老师要我们写答案在白板, 我写答案后, 因为我不知道我的答案对不对所以我又问我的朋友然后我又改我的答案
结果... 原来我原本的答案是对的, 我改了, 成为错误的答案, 害我的组扣多5分
今天我看到我的星座运程说不要依赖别人太多... 果然...
Posted by Lyeon at 1:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
今天,我们知道我们在班上的名次了, 可惜希望来得太早, 原来我们ERT的老师还没有把我们ERT的成绩type进去, 所以这张名次表一开始就是错的... 还有一些学生的成绩也写错了...
还没改之前, 我是第四名, 改了过后, 可能会退很多... 不知道我该开心还是该难过, 开心的是可能不用换班, 难过的是... 谁会高兴自己名次退后了???
今天才刚拿到ERT的成绩, 只能说... 糟糕◦ 57% C...
Posted by Lyeon at 12:25 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
今天,我得到我的历史, 科学和国语考卷了… 68%, 79% 和66%...全部都是
"B"…尤其是科学啊!!! 犯了很多粗心的错误…555…国语…我认了…很难…
很怕啊…怕被换班… 怕和我的朋友们分开…怕变成陌生人…害怕很多很多…
答应我, 即使分开了我们仍然是朋友…
*P.S.最近我好像患上妄想症, 时常想很多事, 怕很多事…@.@
Posted by Lyeon at 3:25 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 21, 2010
数学得“A”!!! xDxD
今天我很开心,因为是我第一次在数学得“A”!!! xDxD(其实是第二次, UPSR时也拿过...)
哈哈,我太高兴了!! 不过我也一点失望因为我的英语得到“B”... 退步了...
最可怕的是明天即将分发的考试纸...χ~χ历史... 国语... 科学... 都是最怕的﹑最没有
Posted by Lyeon at 1:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
回家后,我先读《一封迟来的信》, 读着读着, 我有想哭的感觉, 因为小说中的主角, 就像是我的倒影, 文中对主角的描述ֻ特征ֻ性格以及遭遇与我相似。看起来朋友之间亲密无间, 可是一经过某人的挑拨, 再加上不信任, 不管多年的友谊也会在一夜间崩溃…

××终于读完《一封迟来的信》, 感觉上像在看我自己的故事, 只是故事场景, 人物, 起因不同, 不过感觉非常真实, 因为我经历过类似的经历…
过于执着一些事情, 只会让自己觉得痛苦
该放手的就要放手, 该珍惜的就要珍惜。
———《一封迟来的信》邓秀茵 第266页
其实, 不仅是我经历过, 大家也经历过, 朋友之间的爱恨情仇, 希望大家珍惜朋友, 多信任, 少猜疑, 珍惜你所拥有的, 别失去了才来惋惜…
Posted by Lyeon at 10:54 PM 0 comments
昨天晚上和 Wynn, Wynn的家人, QiQi, Bryan 和 “J” 去看电影 《 The Karate Kid 》, 觉得还好, 那时 QiQi 坐在我左边, Bryan 坐在我右边, 而 Bryan 一边看电影一边说话 (说的差不多都是废话) 我打了他几下还是一样…=. = 晚上11点多才回家…
早上醒来, 鼻子还有点痛, 偏偏今天在冷气和风扇开得大大的会议室里上课…幸好有一个温暖的
书包可以抱, 没有昨天那么严重, 耶! 在外面走一圈后好多了, 还好有J.Wen和 Y.Wen陪, 现在我才发现我们是三“雯” 组合! 嘻嘻…
下课后, 没想到

探险之类的故事, 有点刺激, 每一个主角都使人同情, 还有不少让人深思的句子
, 用了一个半小时看完这本书, 本来还想借多两本书, 《青色的围墙》和《小黄鹂鸟》从报纸上得知大受好评, 好想看哦!
Posted by Lyeon at 2:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
好辛苦哇! 今天一早就起来了 (5.00am) 偏偏今早特别冷结果…我伤风了…T.T
到了学校似乎更严重了! 偏偏平时热到要命的天气今天却很凉爽! 掏tissue出来又被别人借去用尽了…只好向朋友借tissue…
上历史课时晕晕的, 老师讨论答案时有几次跟不上, 很辛苦, 很晕, 头很痛! 想趴在桌子休息一下可是鼻涕源源不绝地流出, 该死的冷风吹到我身上, 我一直冒冷汗…好不容易挨到下课, 马上冲进厕所洗臉, 舒服多了…
吃了一个面包不够, 便在朋友的陪伴下去7-11买我最喜欢的巧克力豆放松心情, 真的很有效! 甜甜脆脆的嚼在嘴里, 暂时让我忘记了伤风!
期待的地理课到来, 作为一个“好学生” 我当然没有吃巧克力豆了, 不出所料, 之前的痛苦回来了… 老师说了许多笑话, 我一边笑一边擦鼻涕…唉…
Posted by Lyeon at 2:45 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 14, 2010
今天去学校的补习班, 唉~只给我们一些练习而已...
过后的英文课我迟进班只好到后面的位子坐... 因为在后面听不到老师讲什么所以做完练习和讨论答案后就做自己的东西直到放学...
回到家发现早上跌到的婆婆似乎很痛苦, 我急忙SMS给爸爸, 要他赶快回来带婆婆看医生, 等待爸爸时, 婆婆不断嚷着: “我快4了…我快4了…” 我只能对婆婆说: “不会的…不会的…”觉得自己作为孙女的很失败... 婆婆痛苦的时候竟帮不上忙...
上FB的时候竟让我看到一个很震惊的视频=一对身穿小学校服的小情人公然在校园内在朋友的怂恿。 (也可能是她自愿的) 女朋友亲吻的她男朋友! 还嘴对嘴!! 而且还只是小学生!!! 有人说从校徽看好像是我的小学母校的学生来的!!!
Posted by Lyeon at 4:40 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 12, 2010
go out wit my friends~Elaine Lim
Today im very excited coz my old friend aka best friend Elaine invite me go boating with her!
when we waiting we talked alot, i was very impressed of her coz i nvr thought she had happened many things around her...
when the boat started, we sit at the front of the boat n i was very scared to drop into the sea~
the boat passby hutan bakau n i saw many animal at there espeacially eagles!!! wild eagles y'know!! we saw many at there!!! so beautiful so cool when i saw the eagles!!
finally we arrive Elaine's father 's fish farm, the people fishing at there but i juz watch they fish n me n Elaine play the cats in the fish farm, Elaine oso caught a fish!! she say is a Ghost Fish but other ppl say is a baby lionfish! lol the fish with a pair of big red eye, spiky n it oso krok like a frog!! weird fish~
then i oso gt ride the speed boat wit Elaine n her bro, wow...the speed boat made me feel dizzy~@.@
Then we went to eat lunch at pulau Ketam...whole plate of fish finished by Elaine n me, ya, she n me oni~lol the lunch was fantastic!
last~I gt sunburn on my face, hands n legs, n i oso feel dizzy like wan pengsan coz i still thought im still in the middle of the sea!n oso...i left my hat in the boat!!! omg Elaine dun chooi me liao! sorry Elaine!! sorry sorry sorry sorry~
last last~thank you for bringing me to this interesting n exciting experience! luv ya! ^^
Posted by Lyeon at 5:13 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Im saying I love u all in the name of friendship
今天早上我过得很开心! 因为又可以和朋友打羽毛球了!
早上9点Wynn的妈妈来载我, 我弟弟和Bryan去Michael Badminton Academy那边.
过后SJW也来了,我还帮他取了个洋名叫Anson! LOL 因为我觉得他像我一个名叫Anson的邻居! 哈哈!
我们只打了一个小时, 因为我没钱再去book court了…原本要玩篮球可是Bryan没有带说不见了…(看着他圆臌臌的肚子我们还怀疑他把篮球吃了! 哈!)
无聊又很热所以我们决定去对面的图书馆吹冷气! 耶!
那两个闲来无事拿手机出来拍照还一直把我当模特儿 (那时刚打完球头发乱到像癫婆酱) 还玩到很爽tiam!
还好Wynn把照片delete了…可是!! Bryan不但不要delete掉还edit到我的照片不像样然后拿给我弟弟看害我被他们笑!!
不过…虽然被恶搞可是我还是很高兴有你们这些朋友和兄弟, 希望我们开学后还会在一起, 我爱你们(友谊)!
I love you (friendship)
당신을 사랑하는(우정)
Posted by Lyeon at 11:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Posted by Lyeon at 4:30 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 4, 2010
LoNeLy WiThOuT My BrOtHeRs
FiNaLly mid-year exam is over!!! woohoo!
sadly now i feel alone without my "lovely" brothers around *sob*
yesterday my family had went to singapore left me n grandma bcoz i gt my mid year exam!
today maths i've done quite well in time! lol! thnkx to my tuition teacher today i manage to answer all the question but still gt little dissapoint coz my science paper 1 got 34/40 T.T
Posted by Lyeon at 1:48 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
more hurt...by a few of words
I nvr said our friendship is end, y u still wan disturb me???
Posted by Lyeon at 12:48 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
IS the END
Wat is the meaning of friend for u?
Wat is the meaning of true friend to u??
Why?? why our friendship will become so tired?
End of Friendship is not bcoz of other ppl, but is u
We both hurted each other too much u thought breakup is a game 4r u??
u can always simply say "breakup" to me then say an irresponsible "sorry" will solve anything?? not thinking of wat will affect other ppl's feeling??
tis is not the 1st time u say tis kind of things like "lets breakup" "tis is the end of friendship" to me, u always said tat to men nvr think of wat is the effect on me after u say tat so many times.
i always choose to cover up my pain after u say "sorry" to me...BUT u hav said too many time the same things until now i really can't bear it any more!
yesterday u called me, the words tat u said to me is ady show tat u r not sincerely come to apologize, how can i 4rgive u???
u thought im a toy 4r u?? can play by u anytime ?? say breakup then breakup, say together then together?? is tis so fun tat u like to repeat it over n over again on me???
Someone can understand my feeling??
Posted by Lyeon at 12:26 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 17, 2010
im not for u to release ur anger on me!

by the same person...

Posted by Lyeon at 12:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 13, 2010
你知道吗? 这句话已经伤害了我, 尽管如此, 我还是忍着痛, 陪你聊天, 为的就是不让你觉得被冷落!
为什么? 为什么我主动找你聊天了你还说我不理睬你?, 不可能你要我24小时都陪你吧?
如果我重色轻友的话, 我还会和朋友一起吗? 一直以来我只是把你们当兄弟, 对他也一样, 即使是真的喜欢, 现在并不是时候...
还有, 看见你们闹翻, 我其实很心痛的!
Posted by Lyeon at 2:49 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Sorry 4r let u all wait!
Ahhh!!!! sorry guys i hav late to MBA.... really sorry!!!
Today, finally i can touch my badminton raquet again! coz wynn n bryan plan to go MBA today!
BUT...happened alot of things b4r went:
1. My parent suddenly said cant fetch me n J.Wen but atlast oso solve
2. Today I hav to late to go fetch J.Wen coz i hav to help to paint the shirt for the Art Charity
3. Start at 11.00a.m but we reach at 12.15p.m. so Bryan terpaksa to book again 4r longer time...(sorry!^^")
4. Court kena rampas by an unknown little boy boy(but he is very pro)
becoz the court ady rampas n wynn feel bored so he go play basketball n i follow him. after we back to our friends they thought we go sum where else "pak tor" =="(not true)
ta friends tat gt go MBA:
Posted by Lyeon at 3:33 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Today u words let me dissapoint to u!
I cannot take it anymore!!! I forgive u again n again but u nvr appreciate! n always thought I was the one do do wrong !! expect me to beg 4r ur forgiveness? ya! everyone will do wrong! if i hav done anything tat hurt u, SORRY! but when u hurted me, do u apologize?? NO!! u juz nvr realize wat u hav done wrong n u nvr change!! ya! I realize my mistake n I am changing! but i cannot change suddenly after ur complain!! u hav to gimme time!! but did u realize tat im changing n do u oso change?? NO!! u nvr change n thought u r the one mighty n nvr do any mistake!! u nvr realize ur mistake!! even face wit ur complain u juz run away!! nvr thought tat u were wrong!!
U juz take the care of other ppl is necessary to u! u nvr c the care n u say ppl dun care of u?? come on! it is U the one who blind tat cannot c the care of ppl giv u!! think abt it!! if I dun care of u, when u'r sad I will go console u even though i know u will chase me away! If I dun care of u, will I talk wit u when u find me dun care whether it will disturb other ppl ornt? I f I dun care u, will I sad and angry becoz u dun talk wit me?? If I dun care of u, will I worry abt u when I saw u left ur bag in school?? If I dun care of u, will I giv u advise??
U nvr feel tat care n u think is necessary n wat u think abt a friend who care of u is everyone must meet a car accident then go to hospital when on the way to buy u a gift!! everyone treat their friend in a different way, some always argue wit their friend but they still best friend!! Y u always hold a old thinking tat a good friend must sacrifice 4r u then is called a good friend??even nid terms n condition to prove tat u were the good friend?? tat is so childish! n foolish!
Go check dictionery! a meaning of friend is a person u know well and like, has the same interest and opinion as urself, and will help n support u!
I know u n I like u, tat y I wan to b'cum ur friend! we oso like anime n manga! when u'r down, i always come so tat u wont feel so lonely, but the result?? I go to ur place u chase me away! n I didn't do anything n u juz chase me away! u always compare me wit ur friends! I hav my own feeling! Im not ur servant! I hav my own personality! I hav my own way to treat my friends! I really dissapoint of u!!! U say I juz say but nvr do! u? r u do after u say? NEVER! atleast after u say tat I nvr go to ur place to talked wit u, now I start go to ur place!! but when I giv u advise? do u do it?? U NEVER THINK THAT U ARE WRONG! YOU TAKE THE CARE OF OTHER PEOPLE IS SHIT BUT U COMPLAIN TAT PEOPLE DON'T CARE ABOUT U!
Posted by Lyeon at 4:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Posted by Lyeon at 6:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I dissapoint 4r u...
Thank you, Thank you 3B, now im alrite ady...sorry for let u all woory abt me...sorry...
I promise I wont hurt myself for a stupid betrayer n murderer like him...
But...im really sad n dissapoint when i c him heard his voice...
2 years friendship juz vanish in one night...sorry guys, I 4rgt i still gt u all, im not alone...
n I juz hurt myself seriously 4r tat uglystupidfatcat. luckily I wake up by my friends
although we dun talked oftenly but u all so care of me...im really sorry...and thank you...
I promise I wont hurt my self...promise...
B4r I go, I have some song 4r my friends...
these r the thing that I wan to tell u...( take from lyric)
1.In The End, by Linkin Park, for Bryan
-Trying to hold on but didn't even know, waste it is all juzt to watch you go~
-What it meant to me is a memory of a time when I try so hard and got so far~
But in the end it doesn't even matter~
-I put my trust in you, Push as far as I can go, for all this...
2.Numb, by Linkin Park, for Justin( now u good to me now but sometime u mad at me dunno y, these are wat I wan tell u when u mad at me)
-every step that I take, Is another mistake to u~
-I, become so numb, I cant feel u there, Become so tired, so much more aware...
-cause everything that u thought I would be, has fallen apart, Right in front of you!
Now, I have to say good bye...I'm very dissapoint of u, u bastard, U IRRESPONSIBLE IDIOT, JERK AND NERD!!!! ( for The Blue Merlion)
Posted by Lyeon at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 10, 2010
1st time go out wit J.Wen n QiQi
Today go watch movie "Clash of the Titans" wit Wynn them...
QiQi n J.Wen oso gt go...1st time go out wit them!!xDxD
mula-mula my two bros oso gt go d...but suddenly tell me they dunwan go ady...
tell Wynn but he say ady bought the ticket...so I found J.Wen to replace my bro...but still gt one more place...so Wynn say he go find one more...
I took some photo using J.Wen's camera, Wah...pro dou...her camera...
Anyway today im sooo happy bcoz I took the 1st photo wit my friends in shopping complex!
Posted by Lyeon at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thank you My friends (prt 2)
So glad to hav u all as my friends...I really appreciate u all...
when im down n upset...u all the 1st friends tat comfort me...
I really happy...
thanks ...
6.Jing Wen
n oso many many friends tat comfort me...
Im very glad...^-^
Posted by Lyeon at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
U know wat thing can kill me easily? Hurted by the one I...
Middle ppl always the one tat hurted most...
Today Hari Sukan...I cried again...bcoz of tat justin again...
My heart very hurt when he say those things to me...
When I listen to Justin, I thought he was the victim...
When I talked wit Wynn n Bryan, they said I am the sufferer...
Im very confuse...dunno believe to who....very hurted...
Wat hav Wynn n Bryan done to u?
Wat hav Justin done to u all???
Im very dissapoint...I thought I found a long lasting friendship but now...
Im very tired...I think I won't last any longer...I juz wan to rest...
Can I rest on the most comfortable coffin? or, a wide n warm shoulder?
save me...help me...pity me...hug me...comfort me...
please...I juz wan a friendship...wit good memory
Posted by Lyeon at 11:16 PM 0 comments
2010...year of sadness n suffering?
TT...today ko-ku badminton nearly get kill...kena tembak by evil badminton ball many times...head...neck...even...tat...part oso kena tembak by Agnes, Christine n many ppl...TT
2010 years...to me is a very unhappy year...everyone surround me having quite bad relationship wit their best friend...like Justin, me, espeacially Wynn n Bryan...dunno y they hate Justin?? I really dun get it...Teoh...dunno him, suddenly away from Christine n S.Z, ask him wat happen dun wan say...miss his old self... n oso many many friends...
U know...I really sad c-ing u all unhappy n suffer...I very unhappy when I c a friend not happy...I dunwan leave anyone alone but...
Please...dun let me sad because of ur own suffer...If u wan a listener...find me at anytime...I really wan to help u all...please...anyone...no matter u very friend wit me or juz normal friend, I juz wanna help u...
Posted by Lyeon at 7:27 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 4, 2010
my front hair...
5555...dunno my brain gt problem ady...I go cut my front hair!!! so ugly...T.T 555...dunno 2molo go school wat will my friend think...
Posted by Lyeon at 4:36 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 3, 2010
4r my friend tat think everyone is not a true friend...
So sad when I saw my friend not happy...he said we not care abt him...always ignore him...say bad thing abt him...
but...when u complain abt ppl not friendly to u...think abt urself 1st, izzit b'coz u done smtg tat ppl dun like the action? or ur attitude? if still dunno...try ask ur friends, y they dun like u? when ppl advise u, did u listen?? I know ur feeling very well...coz i experience tat b4r...n i worse than u tat time...my friend abandone me n I dunno the reason, when i know the reason...i collapse, then, I was alone in tat whole year...form 1...no friend talked to me...everyone abandoned me...
I think u lucky than me...atleast still gt ppl willing to talk wit u when u find them...n u oso know the reason tat y ppl dun like u...
so...try to fix ur weakness 1st, collect the complaine u receive, fix it...then u'll find it all the case will solve...
remember, u always the most importance friend in my heart...thank you 4r giving me a sweet memory in secondary school life...
Posted by Lyeon at 5:09 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Eeeee.....very jealous lehh...
juz now saw my friend's blog...they always went shopping wit many many ppl
n...show their Happy Family pic...very jealous
everytime I saw my friend's pic...I always wish that I'm one of them too...
They seem so happy...but I...
sometime...I gt go out wit friends to shopping mall...but my father dun let my take photo n upload to internet...so jealous my friends...they gt their own camera...own handphone tat hav camera function...
I wish I can go out wit my good friends...ONLY my friends...then can take pic n upload to internet...share wit other ppl our joyce...
But...It juz a wish...hope it'll become true...
Posted by Lyeon at 1:09 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
bla bla bla...
Earth Hour...dunno u all gt off ur light ornt?
Me? I off at 8.35p.m. n on the light at cun cun 9.30p.m. xDxD
but i off light oni...com, fan, tv still on...
during Earth Hour... my bros, my bro's friend n me go to playground...
My bro's friend call Christopher...he really handsome leh...too bad he is too young(oni 10 years old...)...if he grow to the same age as me...bet he will be a super duper handsome guy! haiz~
why all the handsome guy older than me or younger than me...
Posted by Lyeon at 6:59 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The word "love" is refer to friendship love
today Im very sad...coz Justin, Bryan n Wynn had a fight...
Justin asked me:"I know u wan abandone me...n be together wit Bryan n Wynn..."
I said:" I never though of leaving anyone..."
although most of the time I be wit Bryan n Wynn but I never though of leaving Justin...they r my best friends...how can I abandone my best friends?! neither one of them I wan abandone
I juz wan...we all together...like last time...today becoz of me they fight...I really unhappy n sad...
sorry...I juz wan a unforgetable friendship...without abandone or betray anyone of them...
please...forgive each other...n give each other a chance...I dun wan missing one of u guys...I really love u all...I love u...buddy...
Posted by Lyeon at 4:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
hampir hampir jadi Wynn's sister
Haiiii......juz come back...juz now go watched movie wit Wynn( oso gt other ppl lar...)

Posted by Lyeon at 4:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
hu...so glad tat Justin is ok ady...=.=
Wynn gimme the wrong information so I unintentionally cursed Justin...sorry ^^''
later wan go watch the show disney dunno wat's tat=.=''
nvrm lar go ppl belanjar me go juz go watch lar! xD
btw Wynn they all bullied me...T.T
...actually not really bully me...play SA I lose to him...always use sniper snipe me... everytime headshot me...He know i very noob purposely call me play wit him let him freekill me
I know u very pro lar...wan cucuk meT^T
Wynn cucuk me his maths...SA...height...
Bryan cucuk me his restaurant city...oso maths...science...weight(haha...xD)
Justin cucuk me his maths again...anime....manga...his sis's drawing skill...height...
unfair! unfair! u all everything oso cucuk me! espeacially maths!!! hate maths! hate maths! HATE MATHS!!!
Posted by Lyeon at 10:19 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
took photo until...
Today our geography teacher retire...walao...
the last period...oso geography, so teacher gt come our class 4r last time
then all ppl take many photo wit teacher...
take photo until sot liao, teacher leaves ady still wan took photo, school end ady still wan stay in class took photo...==''
all my friends took photo until Wynn and Bryan "beh song" ady coz juz ask them go took photo dun let them do their homework! ha! xD so rajin Wynn n Bryan...=.=lll
nxt thing is...Wynn said that Justin...is in hospital now...
so worry abt him...wan go visit him but dunno which hospital...Wynn oso dunno...
Justin, be well soon!! u r one of my best friend!! dun let me so worry abt u!!!
Posted by Lyeon at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
today skul gt injection...mula-mula i dun scared of injection one...
but...all my friends around me keep saying injection is pain...injection is pain...
finally.........i oso feel scared =.=
i thought is not pain one...but tis time...ARGH!!!! DAMN PAIN !!!!!
kesian Lim...kena injected 2 times...must more pain then me...
photo from facebook...ur skul injection=http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?pid=1185336&id=1216333169 ppl in the photo not me lar...n photo is not my one is YM d...borrow ur photo ya...
n the next thing is...Christine, S.Z, Teoh n me walked from MBA badminton court to skul...1st time walked to skul wit my friendz...xD very tired but happy to hav these interesting experience!! xDxD
but...in the end I bcame "dian teng pau" or light bulb...c-ing those 2 talking so happily but im ignored...-_-lll haha...
Posted by Lyeon at 5:30 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 6, 2010
haiz...so scared my marks...nvm lar still got chance! gambateh ne!
btw haiz...I saw many ppl message on msn all type lovey-dovey words...
ok, i know some is type "song" d some i dunno lar...
is now loving season? y I feel the atmosphere is very ... haha...
nvm... i juz cant stand my blog long time no update so i simply type lar!
tat's all! bye...
Posted by Lyeon at 3:26 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sorry! :x
ermm...I wan to apologize base wit the post down there...

Posted by Lyeon at 12:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 22, 2010
Dun wait till I cannot bear it anymore, u haven't c the real me
Posted by Lyeon at 5:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
Happy Chinese New Year
Happy Chinese New Year! is abit late lar but not too late is ok XD
But this year d chinese new year...not many ppl come or we not so often visit ppl's house
the street oso not very "red" like last time chinese new year
dun hav the mood of chinese new year leh...T.T
and oso very important one!
ang pau lesser...TOT
Posted by Lyeon at 7:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Happy Valentine Day!! ♥
Valentine has near...so many friends got their valentine's day gift ady...
Me? like normal...no valentine gift even i wan to accept it so much...T.T
O.o...dun tell my parent ar...I...really wan to try "pak tor"...I wan to love by someone
but...I know nobody will like me...i dunno how to talk...dunno how to joke...
so...I think I'll stay like tis...maybe u'll ask me go "pak tor" secretly but...
I really dun hav tat courage...I dunno how to face my parent if I go "pak tor"
beside, no boy hav interest in me...if IF they hav interest in me...I think they should confress
to me then I'll know...u maybe hav chance...after form 3 I think...blah...
Impossible lar got boy like me( beside my father n my bros lar...^^)
♥Maybe u can introduce to me... ;)♥
Posted by Lyeon at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
sorry...really sorry...
Sorry...im really sorry Justin...I didn't mean to hurt u...pls forgive me...be friend again ok?
If I hav prepared...I will tell u everything...juz dun force me first...
I really wan to cry when I apologise to u but u juz wan push me away...
I really don't lose a friend anymore...
I don't wan walk through tat nightmare anymore...
I never though tat it will became serious matter to u...
I,m really sorry
Posted by Lyeon at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 7, 2010
U would never thought that I write this
I saw u again...but tis time...dun hav any feeling abt u anymore...
now I think abt it...im completely an idiot...how can i like u without knowing anything abt u...
juz b'coz ur appearance? hmm... think so... b'coz u same age wit me? maybe...
but now i finally wake up...ha...u dun even know who am I n I juz fool myself...
kind of funny ya... look at the mirror...I am totally ugly...how can I like u?
fine...its over...i finally wake up...my heart not beating so fast anymore tis time i saw u
I' m really a fool rite?
Posted by Lyeon at 11:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Sad Valentine...T.T
Posted by Lyeon at 3:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Sorry! Sorry!
Posted by Lyeon at 10:16 PM 0 comments