Monday, August 15, 2011
Posted by Lyeon at 1:07 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Posted by Lyeon at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
to my unhappy friend E
Just saw my old friend's blog post....
i can feel it...it contain so much sadness, anger, and dissapoint...
I kinda know her situation a little bit...since she is my primary school best friend...
dunno why after i read her post of these few days my heart also feel ache and painful...i wish i was there to comfort her....i want to help her but...i still dunno wat's happening...i oni know tat right now she is very very sad...
if u saw tis, i want u to know, no matter u r with who, no matter wat's the race of u mate, i still wan to bless u two...ur happiness r the most important thing rite? I juz wan u to know sumwhere on tis earth, u still hav a friend to support u :) u r nt alone
Posted by Lyeon at 2:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 10, 2011
他们说我没有女性的气质…就是说我男子气咯!所以说虽然我是女生但又和男生投得来而且又没有尴尬的感觉,是因为和他们在一起时我把自己当成男生又或者他们把我当作男生了!是这样的吗?应该是吧… 唉…想起自己小学时候还每次被那些小弟弟小妹妹叫作“哥哥”的呢…还是我没有女生该有的性格??(讨厌化妆、不爱穿裙、书包里没有镜子,扇子,梳子、出门不擦防晒油、爱运动爱流汗爱流血?!)
Posted by Lyeon at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 3, 2011
终于可以再打羽毛球了!xD Finally can play badminton again!
昨天,因为没有人载我还以为和羽球没缘分了,没想到Teoh想到一个方法--陪我一起走路去MBA,有点感动呢...T.T 因为他还要专程走到我家附近等我才一起去。
不过,幸好有经过X.Hao的家,才有机会搭他的顺风车。过后我们到MBA后面的篮球场集合。嗯...大概有6个人吧...S.Z,S.Z的弟弟,Teoh,X.Hao,Q.U,还有我。 然后我们只打了1个小时的球,过后就打道回府了...
因为6个人只有我一个是女的, 所以Teoh 和X.Hao 决定陪我一起走回家...他们真是太好人了...因为我的家和他们的家都不顺路,可是他们却愿意绕过回他们家的路陪我走到我的家门口...T^T 以后一定要好好报答他们!
(gt ntg to do so I do an english translation)
Yesterday, bcos I hav no transport I thought I can't play badminton again, but then Teoh sort out a solution--he will walk with me to MBA. I feel touched bcoz he hav to walk to my house nearby to wait for me to go together.
Fortunately, our path also passby X,Hao's house who also gt go 4r badminton with us so we hav a chance to take his ride we dun hav to walk all away from my house to MBA. All of us assemble at the basketball court tat behind MBA. About 6 ppl we hav in total, S.Z,S.Z's younger brother,Teoh,X.Hao,Q.U n me. We juz played 4r 1 hour then we all went home.
Because from the 6 ppl I'm the only girl so Teoh n X.Hao decided to walk me back home...They r so kind hearted! Because my house n their house r nt on the same path but they willing to company me until to my door...T^T...I hav to repay them properly in the future!
Posted by Lyeon at 2:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 27, 2011
Thank you!
Today its my 1st time to go out with Celia n Z.Y n oso my 1st time to bath in her house, so I wan to say 100000000000000000 thank you to Celia n her family...u all treating me too good...so touched...T^T
We went to Sunway Piramid to watch movie...at 1st was Ming invite us to go watch movie with his friends ( he planing to watch 2 or 3 movie non stop but three of us cannot stay too late so we oni agreed to watch 1 movie with them) but actually towards the end...three of us split up with Ming's gang except when watching movie... we went to some japanese restaurant, souvenier shops, comic stalls ( omg sunway's things r so expensive! but I still bought some comics~coz the comics r my brothers favourite but they could not find anywhere so I bought 4r them)
All I wan to say is, thank you Celia n her family 4r letting me to bath in their house n fetch me, thnkx Celia and Z.Y for brought me to eat takoyaki n japanese ice-blended, thank you Ming 4r invite three of us to watch movie! thank you everyone n sorry if I cause any problems C:
Posted by Lyeon at 3:56 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
My dog had get its license!! xD

Posted by Lyeon at 1:11 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 15, 2011
bath a stray dog
Recently, a stray dog that I named it "Ngiau Ngiau" ( ok I know the name is weird) had befriended with my Manja n always come to visit my house... i dun wan to bath...please~~QAQ
And, I could not reject the puppy eyes that Manja shoot at me to beg me to play with her friend so everytime Ngiau Ngiau come I juz let her in or let Manja out and let those 2 play...
And I hav to say that- Ngiau Ngiau is a stray dog, she nvr bath n she is dirty...and Manja played with her...automatically my Manja will bcom smelly too! So...im order for me to feel more comfortable to let Manja play with Ngiau Ngiau I...bath Ngiau Ngiau with force...aww I feel so bad now...T^T
1st, I let Ngiau Ngiau come in as usual...then, I suddenly hold her and put my dogs bracelet on her...next, I tied her in front of my house and use water to splash her(I felt reli reli bad when I saw her scared look), then , I use the my dog's shampoo n stared to wipe on her and wait for 15 minute and last use water to clean the shampoo on her body....
My dog always disturb her and giv her a pity look when I bathing Ngiau Ngiau ( naughty Manja D: )
I hate shampoo...Q^Q
when is this will end...
Posted by Lyeon at 8:05 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
changed my song playlist
Hi, I juz changed my song playlist! guess u all ady bored with the previous VOCALOID songs rite? so I change the songs! Tis time I put some light and gentle VOCALOID songs but at the middle gt some quite rock d songs xD I think put some calming song will let ppl more relax gua...I hope all the ppl tat view my blog always relax and calm~ :) but life always come to surprize so I put a few hot songs( dunno how to describe) in the middle of the playlist... Last, hope u all like it! VOCALOID TA BEST! XDXD ( turning into fangirl mood)
Posted by Lyeon at 5:24 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 4, 2011
...failed drawing n colouring...
Buahahaha..my completed coloured drawing after 3 days!(I noe tis time the drawing nt very good) Anyway this is my another character in my comic...he is a cat and the previous one is a dog. Even though they're cat and dog but they are buddy! xD
Posted by Lyeon at 2:07 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 19, 2011
HAHAHA...finally I finished coloured it!! I put alot of effort to colour this character! This is my ady-think-very-long-time-but-still-haven-draw-yet comic's character! I still dunno wan to put wat name yet...== hope u guys like it n pls comment! xD
character, colour, design, name all done by Wong Siu Wen(me), pls dun copy my ideal! Dx
Posted by Lyeon at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
第二届华文学会生活营 《青春·斗》
第一次参加这次的华文学会生活营是我参加过最好玩、最快乐的两天一夜生活营, 欢乐的感觉无法以笔墨来形容。
全部的活动都很好玩, 我最喜欢的节目是团康系列--那是我第一次愿意主动跟着营长的脚步跳舞, 而且还情裕未尽呢! 水战、跑战和寻宝也很刺激。尤其是水战, 弄到全身湿漉漉地(刚好那天下着雨, 冷到…… ), 很爽! 还有我们是第一批在校过夜的学生哦! 第一次在学校过夜感觉很新鲜~ xDxD
负责老师、工委、辅导员和组长也功不可没。尤其是工委, 身为营员的我也能看到他们的努力, 真是辛苦了! 谢谢你们! 没有你们这个生活营也不会这么有趣!
Posted by Lyeon at 4:04 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 6, 2011
今天我的弟弟终于从他的朋友借了狗用指甲剪给我的狗剪指甲, 因为它的指甲太长了,每次它想给我们一个“温暖的拥抱” 都会被抓伤。
可是我和爸爸还缺乏为狗剪指甲的经验, 结果…
晚上, 我和爸爸好不容易帮我“可爱”的Manja剪完指甲, 当要剪腿上最后一根指甲时, 我那“可爱”的Manja冷不防挣扎一下, 结果指甲剪太深, 流血了…
那家伙浑然不知自己的腿受伤了, 还活泼地到处走, 让地板上处处血迹斑斑…
不知道为什么, 当我要清理血迹、看到地板上的血迹时,我突然感觉我不能呼吸、泪水不断流出、很辛苦地坐一在旁, 吓坏了我的家人…我的两个弟弟趁我走进厨房透气时迅速清理地板, 还叫我不要走出厨房直到他们清掉上面的血迹为止, 也许他们怕我又看见那些血会晕倒吧, 有一种被感动的感觉…T-T
不过为什么我看到地上的血会呼吸困难呢?? 难道我有血液恐惧症?! O.o!?
←picture nt mine =p
Posted by Lyeon at 5:30 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 26, 2011
今天, 我又因为科学和数学崩溃了… 刚从 Physic 补习回到家, 我就失控了, 眼泪如泉涌, 眼看考试就到了, 各科却还掌握不好, 真失败, 老师因有事要先走所以又没机会问问题…
望着眼前的 Add-Math 题目, 脑袋一片空白, 连一题也不会做, 我又失望地哭了…当我感到无助和绝望时, 我的手机信息铃声响起-
Celia: “你会做 add math 吗? 不会可以来我家一起讨论哦~or我可以去你家!” 惊讶的同时也觉得感动和窝心…不加思索地给予回复。
这就是所谓的心灵相通吗? 友谊的力量是如此地不可思议呀!
在这里我要先谢谢Celia, WanQiお姉ちゃん, Teoh, Wynn 和 Bryan 耐心地教导我Add-Math, 你们真的很励害, 愿意不厌其烦地教导我这个菜鸟, 由衷地感激…我会尽量搞好Add-math, 不会麻烦你们的
Posted by Lyeon at 4:55 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 12, 2011
中四Pure science 班
我不甘心! 我很不甘心!! 就算接受了奖赏我还是会心虚, 内心在告诉我: “你根本不应该得到奖赏! 这只是对你的施舍!”
进入这班后, 我才发现, 我什么都做不好, 好几次为了这些科目崩溃, 我不是科学班的料, 只会托累大家! 没法回头了, 到时又要重新开始, 不想再麻烦大家, 我只好继续走下去, 只是不知道能走到什么地步, 在起跑点就已经输了…
老实说, 我对科学一点兴趣都没有! 为什么大家都说只有科学班才有前途? 那, 那些不是科学班的就没有前途吗? 这样对他们不公平! 我很累… 我很想举起画笔, 可是, 你们却要我举起计算机和试管, 一个我没有兴趣、不了解和不喜欢的领域, 说是为我好。这就是为我好??
Posted by Lyeon at 12:02 AM 0 comments