Wednesday, December 22, 2010


今天去学校拿PMR成绩, 拿到6个A 2个B。
原本已经做好心理准备, 不要哭的, 但是当我看到家人失望的脸, 眼泪就忍不住掉下了。
尤其是华文科, 因为那时我太紧张和压力,结果造成现在不好的成绩…
心揪着揪着的, 很难受…
不管怎样, 我还是想恭喜获得满意成绩的同学,
至于对自己成绩不满意的, 没关系, 已经尽力而为了, 别给自己太多压力...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

2010 Youth Camp

Three days ago I joined the 2010 Buddhist Go Green Youth Camp at Eco Dusun and organise by KMBS and today is the day I come back!HOME SWEET HOME!! xD
Overall the camp is fun, althought I get some injuries but I didn't mind, haha
We have gone to jungle trekking, bamboo rafting, obstacle, etc.etc. and these all are my favourite activity in the camp.
When jungle trekking I got bitten by leeches but i dun feel any pain phew...
In this camp I learn abt go green, environmental friendly, reduce reuse recycle and many many more!
and also I made alots of new friends and Im very grateful for them to wilingly befriend with me!

Last, Im very enjoy it and very grateful to have such wonderful memory. C:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kuala Gula

刚刚从 Kuala Gula 回来, 很好玩哩~ 我看到很多老鹰和白鹭
在海上狩猎, 晚上我看到在树上看到一些萤火虫, 很漂亮呢~我也看到很多螃蟹!但没得吃 =.=
我还看到活化石--鲎。之后我们参观了咸蛋工厂, 了解咸蛋制作过程。