my grandmother...she...juz pass away...right after we left the hospital...
im so regret...why I dont stay there longer?why i dun watch her more for last time?
i remember...23/8/2010 around 4.00pm, my father and uncle brought grandma went to hospital...then they never come back the next day until I called father to know the condition of grandmother, he told me to get ready because her heartbeat will stop anytime...after I know tis, my eye started to become sore, because since young I ady live with her...althought I nt so close to her but i had used to her existance in the house.
24/8/2010, finally my mother brought us to visit grandmother, she seems painful, and hard to breath because her lungs had any seriously infected, her body was full of the tube for medical use and her hands, legs and face were swollen, me and the other cousins were holding her hands and called her slightly, she barely can opened her eye but soon closed again, looks like she have something to say but she can barely open her mouth and she try to get rid of the tube that stick in her body...once again my eyes become reddish ...
25/8/2010, father and the other uncle aunties had gone to hospital to visit grandma, at noon, mother brought us went to hospital and let father them came back to eat grandma condition started became unstable, her rate of heartbeat and oxygen suddenly became very low then back to normal again, tis had ady happen 2 time night, her condition was totally unstable but I still holds the hope tat grandma will be okay...
then we went back, when we were eating dinner, uncle tat be with grandma in the hospital called and told tat grandma had left us...
First love
10 years ago