Just some random stuff about my life ;)
Posted by Lyeon at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Haiz...today is last day of my form 2 school life...T.T hope can still in class B nxt year...wit all my friends...W.Y...Justin...Bryan...I really dun wan separate from u all...is the 1st time i hav a group of friendz tat be wit me, chat wit me, play wit me in a whole year...I really scared...really scared tat after we separate...u all wil treaten me like a stranger...left me alone in the corner like when i was form 1...being alone the whole year nearly to suicide...i really scared...can u all promise me even when we separate we r still friends? still buddy? still the best friend tat always stay wit me? I hate being alone...still friends forever rite?
Posted by Lyeon at 4:25 AM 0 comments
Today, Im in a really bad mood....today maths exam paper 2 is really hard, almost all the question i dunno how to do...dunno y my tears start rolled down a few drops, after the math exam i wan to cry n i wan to suicide...but luckily Justin came to me n he found out that i looked very sad n he is the one and only friend that console me, this make me feel better n didn't think to suicide, all my FRIENDS also didn't notice wat was happened to me juz keep on mind their bisness, showing off tat they r very good in tat maths paper...make me feel more disappoint of myself being so useless in maths, no one came to me except Justin, now im very tired~i juz wan to rest~pls take my life span away grim reaper~
Posted by Lyeon at 5:24 AM 0 comments
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